Obsessive Compulsive disorder

OCD is a chronic mental illness, in which the patients are caught in irrationally repetitive thoughts and actions to get rid of anxiety associated with the thoughts. OCD, as amatter of fact is one of the anxiety disorder. Obsessions are unwanted and irrational, thoughts and immages, usually incontrollable, patients realize the nature of thoughts are irrational, but can not get rid of them. Obsessions clinically present as contamination, i.e fear of germs or could be intrusive immages and thoughts related to sexuality, religious matters and so on. Some young parents may get obseesed with thoughts of losing control and may harm their newborns.

Compulsions are disturbing actions, to get rid of irrational and intrussive thoughts, patients are feeling urged to do certain rituals such as repetitive hand washing to make sure they are clean, checking the doors to make sure they are locked, or do certain rituals to feel assured nothing bad is going to happen to them or their love ones. Patients understand their actions are irrational but can not help them. Patients soometimes get obsessed with repetitive counting or saying some words between their conversation in sequential way, otherwise they feel, something bad is going to happen to them or their family.

Generally speaking, their thoughts and actions, consume their lives, spend hours and hours to get prepared and their everyday functions are getting disrupted or even unable to function.

Treatment involve resistance to act on urges and devaluation of their irrational thoughts. Relaxation, good sleep habit, regular exercise and healthy diet are useful.

Certain medication especially Selective Serotonin Reuptake inhibitors (SSRI) and short term use of Benzodiazepine might help. Compliance with treatment is very important.

Patients should see their Primary doctors, Therapists and or Psychiatrists regularly until receiving full recovery.


Latif Ziyar MD

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